The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

C program for converting Infix expression to postfix expression

The Algorithm for converting Infix expression to postfix expression is given here


#define SIZE 40
char stack[SIZE];
int top=-1;

void push(char data)
        printf("Stack is full\n");
        printf("Pushed element is %c\n",data);

char pop()
    char ch;
        printf("stack is empty\n");
        printf("poped element is%c\n",ch);

int check_pre(char a ,char b)
    //operators are arranged in the array based
    //on their priority. from low to high
    char op[]={'-','+','%','/','*','(',')'};
    int i,c1=0,c2=0;
        else if(b==op[i])
    else if(c1<c2)
int main()
    char in_str[50],out_str[50];
    char ch,temp;
    int x=0,y=0,pre;
    printf("Enter the infix string\n");
        //for operand
        if((ch>='a' && ch<='z') || 
(ch<='A' && ch>='Z') || 
(ch>='0' && ch<='9'))
        //for '(' paranthesis
        else if(ch=='(')
        //for ')' parenthesis
        else if(ch==')')
          //  if(temp=='(')
               // pop();         
        //for operator
        //if the stack is empty or
        // the stack top element is '('
        //just push the operator in to the stack    
            if (top==-1 || stack[top]=='(')
                //check the precedence
                if(pre<0 )
}while(top!=-1 && temp!='(' &&  (check_pre(ch,temp)<0));
    printf("Postfix string=%s\n",out_str);

Enter the infix string
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is +
poped element is+
poped element is(
Pushed element is *
poped element is*
Pushed element is -
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is -
poped element is-
poped element is(
poped element is-
poped element is(
Pushed element is %
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is +
poped element is+
poped element is(
poped element is%
Postfix string=ab+c*de--fg+%
 Output 2:
Enter the infix string
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is *
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is +
poped element is+
poped element is(
Pushed element is *
Pushed element is (
Pushed element is *
poped element is*
poped element is(
poped element is*
poped element is(
Pushed element is +
poped element is+
poped element is(
poped element is*
poped element is(
Postfix string=598+46**7+*