The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Multifile Program in C

1.What is a Multifile program?
  • If a program contains many functions then it is difficult to read and maintain because when the number of functions increases the size of the program/file will also increase. To avoid this some functions can be written in separate file 
  • The individual files will be compiled separetely and then linked together to form one executable object program.
  • This will help to editing and debugging because each file can be maintained at a manageable size.

2.How functions are defined in Multifile Program?
  • Within a multi file program a function definition may be either external (or) static
  • An external function will be recognized throughout the entire program(ie all the files)
  • Static function will be recognized only with in the file in which it is defined.
  • The default storage class for the function is external
  • Syntax for Function definition
    Storage class datatype name(type1 arg1......typen,argn)
  • Example:
    extern int calculate(int x)

3.How functions are declared in Multifile Program?
  • When a function is defined in one file and accessed in another one file, the 2nd file must include a function declaration.
  • This declaration identifies the function as an external function whose definition appears else where. 
  • The function declarations are usually placed at the beginning of the file before any function definition.
  • Syntax for external function declaration is same as function definition with additional one semicolon at the end
    Storage class datatype name(type1 arg1...typen,argn);
  • Example:
    extern int calculate(int x);
  • To execute a multifile program, each individual file must be compiled separetely then the main program file is compiled and executed.

4.A simple Multifile program in c

//Include file test.c
#include "test.c"
//function declaration
extern void result(void);

int main()

    printf("In file1 main function\n");

extern void result(void)
    printf("Welcome to file2\n");
In file1 main function
Welcome to file2

5.Accessing external variables in Multifile function:
  • Within a multifile program, external variables defined in one file and accessed in another file.
  • An external variable definition can appear in only one file. 
  • Its location within the file must be external to any function definition. Usually it will appear at the beginning of the file.
  • External variable may include initial values.
  • If no initial value is assigned then it will automatically initialized to zero.
  • To access an external variable in another file,the variable must first be declared within that file .This declaration may appear anywhere within the file usually at the beginning of the file.
  • The declaration must begin with the storage class specifier extern. Initial values cannot be included in external variable declaration
  • Example:
    //Include file test.c
    #include "test.c"
    //External variable definition
    int x=1,y=2,z=3;
    //function declaration
    extern void result(void);
    int main()
        printf("In file1 main function\n");
        printf("x=%d y=%d z=%d\n",x,y,z);
    extern int x,y,z;/*external var declaration*/
    extern void result(void)
        printf("Welcome to file2\n");
        printf("x=%d y=%d z=%d\n",x,y,z);

    In file1 main function
    x=5 y=2 z=3
    Welcome to file2
    x=5 y=2 z=3
  • The value assigned to an external variable can be altered within any file in which the variable is recognized
  • The changes will be recognized in all other files. Thus external variables provide a convenient means of transferring information between files.
  • Example:
    //Include file test.c
    #include "test.c"
    //External variable 
    int x=10,y=20,z=30;
    //function declaration
    extern void result(void);
    int main()
        printf("In file1 main 
        printf("x=%d y=%d z=%d\n",x,y,z);
    extern int x,y,z;/*external 
    var declaration*/
    extern void result(void)
        printf("Welcome to file2\n");
        printf("x=%d y=%d z=%d\n",x,y,z);

    In file1 main function
    x=50 y=20 z=30
    Welcome to file2
    x=50 y=30 z=40

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